Episode 77

Published on:

15th Nov 2023

Who Are You, Really? Real Talk on Boundaries, Worth, and Self-Identity | Ep. 77 with Megan Wright

In this captivating podcast episode featuring our host, Pat McCalla, and special guest, Megan Wright, we take a deep dive into Megan's journey of self-discovery, faith, and the pursuit of self-authenticity.

Megan is the author of a new book entitled “Lord, Shut My Mouth” and has written several devotionals featured on the YouVersion Bible App.

Despite experiencing moments of darkness, she emphasized the importance of finding joy during the day and the transformative power of worshiping Jesus in the messiness of everyday life.

In this powerful remote interview, Megan opens up about her struggles with seeking fulfillment and validation, especially in the context of her career and relationships. She candidly discussed the masks people often wear and the realization that what is visible on the surface may not reflect the true depth of one's struggles. The episode touched on themes of self-worth, the impact of inner dialogue, and the transformative power of faith.

If you want to connect further with Megan Wright, purchase her book, or explore her devotions, visit meganwrightspeaks.com. We’ll catch you next time, thanks for listening!

Link to her book, “Lord Shut My Mouth”: https://meganwrightspeaks.com/book/

Website: meganwrightspeaks.com

Instagram: @meganwrightspeaks

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Today we have a powerful episode featuring speaker and author Megan Wright, who shares her journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. In this episode, we delve into Megan's insights on inner dialog, overcoming insecurities and the transformative power of faith and finding one's purpose.



Let's dive in.



Megan Wright, Welcome to the No Gray Areas podcast. We are so glad that you're here. You and I actually have a little history. We were for a short time, we were actually at the same place and you were singing on the stage and I would was speaking on the stage, but I want to jump right into it. Anybody who's actually watching this or knows you at all, you love the color






You know what's so funny is that I remember even back to when I was a little girl and my bedroom was pink. I loved all things pink. I and it just makes me happy. When I wear pink, I feel more confident and I feel like it makes me glow. Hopefully that's also the Holy Spirit.



But when I'm in my office, it's all pink. It actually plays a part into my booth too. I am a huge believer and that the way that God made colors affects your, you know, your thought patterns and your moods and things like that. So color is huge in my house. And so I don't have any plain walls. I don't have any that muted because I truly believe that God created all of these beautiful colors and he talks about them so much in the Bible.



And so for me, I find joy in,



You know, it's interesting because there's there's actually science behind that, isn't there? Like



it's so true.






that's right.



It's so true. It's so true.



going to just jump into the deep end of the pool. We're going to have a ton









Our audience is going to hear about the new book you wrote. But but I want to jump into the deep end of the pool on your website. You actually say this when you write about yourself. You say that around 21 I appear to be vibrant, energetic and joyful during the day. But in actuality, my life was one late night after the next in darkness, shoving down the feelings from memories that haunted me.



Memories of eating disorders, rejection, isolation, loneliness, anger, date, rape, promiscuity, STDs, family, alcohol and drug abuse, sadness and shame. Wow,



So share a little bit of that, because I think



I did.






And I think that, you know, it's often one thing that I hear continually once people get to know me, is that they. They judge me based on the colors and clothes that I wear and that I am so vibrant and the things that I like and profess and they have a hard time connecting that I might be somebody who struggles with that and I totally get it.



And I think that's part of us humans not understanding what our true identity is. And I know for me, I met Jesus when I was ten, but I didn't know him. I was saved at ten and I went to your church for a few years, but that only gave me a limited foundation and it gave me a foundation of the judgment and the the rules of God's dance.



But I never understood the love from the salvation that God gave us as a gift. And so my motivation for doing things and seeking things was out of fear. And eventually, you know, you get so lost that that fear doesn't matter anymore, right? Because you're just seeking and seeking and seeking. And so what happened was I started seeking in any place that I could to get to a settlement, and that led me into really bad places in my life.



A lot of, you know, bars and clubs and places that you would never think that I would have gone if you even knew me as a child, because I just had this, you know, effervescent personality. But I believe that in the gifting that God gives us, he also gives us that desire to worship when he creates us. I believe every single person on earth is created to worship.



And when we don't worship Jesus, we will worship something. And so I wasn't worshiping Jesus. I was worshiping myself and wanting to put myself on that throne. And what that did was elevate all of my desires and my insecurities at the same time. So I wanted to be told I was beautiful. I wanted to be told that I was successful.



I wanted to hear all of these amazing things. And the truth about underneath of all that was it was because I wasn't confident in any of that. And so I'm a huge believer that, you know, all of these things that we mast ourselves with are just to cover up root issues. Right? And so me looking in all of these relationships with all different kinds of people in all different kinds of places with me was me trying to fill the void that I had of not understanding who I was.



And so for years and years I just wanted to fill up on any and everything. And I would love to say that my you know, that story stopped after my first marriage, but that marriage was an abusive marriage. And so it didn't stop. Right. And I would love to say that it stopped after my second marriage, which is my current husband.



And the truth is that it didn't because I continued to seek and seek and seek and I wanted everybody to be that thing that rescued me. And obviously that causes a lot of issues when you put that expectation on different people. And so I had to finally reach that place. Yeah,



I jump in really quick and ask? Because I love what you just said you were trying to find some of that were to rescue.



yeah. Rescue me from my emptiness. Rescue me from all of the lies that I had allowed myself to believe and who I wasn't, versus the truth of who I was.



Yeah. You know, you said something, too, about elevating insecurities,



isn't it interesting that that as human beings we so often when we're chasing because I love what you said we're we're built were created to worship something.



So if we don't worship God, we're going to worship something else ourself, whatever it is,



Yeah, yeah, it's so true. It's so true because, you know, it's kind of like



that gateway thing, right? Like you. You think that, okay, if I'm in this relationship, you know, in the first glances, they don't really know me. So all they're doing is building me up on what they think that they know, right? And so as you get further into that and the truth is revealed, then that pushes you away, it disassociating you from wanting to connect and it and the reason we do that is because we are so scared of being rejected.



And that that was what my issue was. I didn't want to be rejected. And so I did whatever I had to do to get close enough to get a temporary cell, but stay far enough away to not be hurt.



Wow. And then you never really have true intimacy.



not at all.









for sure.



So true.



right now that you that you're






it's so true.






Yeah. So I think a really good example of this and I believe it's it's my story, but I also believe that there are a lot of people that have the same story in that, you know, when I was really young and I'm still really young when I was younger, I was really good at my job and I put a



lot of value in that identity because I knew that when I went to my job, I cared mark my value with numbers with like actual success from 9 to 5. And so I had a great reputation in my job for being successful and for getting my job done. And so for me, that is where I started to feel like, I've got my stuff together because I'm really good at my job now.



When I got married to my husband, my husband, that posed a huge problem because I was still super insecure, but I tried to pretend that I had all my stuff together. And so my priority in my life was my job. Now, I had even had a two year old that came into the picture with my current managed current marriage.



But the thing was, is that that was in shambles because of my first marriage. And so I didn't I couldn't even put any value there just because I felt like such a failure. But I always went back to I'm really good at my job and that hurt me in so many ways because I would put on this phase of, I'm so good at my job, I am so happy in my job.



Everybody just knows me as this, you know, vibrant person that's just always on it and can do whatever. I'll take whatever you give me and I'll do it. And that gave me this false sense of security. And so when my job was over at the end of the day, and I went back to my reality of being a mom as being a wife, of trying to manage relationships that were super unhealthy, codependent relationships, family, friends, etc., it was this huge juxtaposition of this successful Megan and this failure of a megan.



And because they were so different and they didn't align, it was like they crashed every single day. And so that that compacted that, that phony syndrome that we get right, we think, I am great. But then, well, no, I'm not great. This is I can't even keep any other area of my life together. And so I wore this mask of being successful thinking, I'm great because I'm successful.



My job to hide that I had really hard core issues in my marriage.



that crash because you just use those words. You said, you know, it would crash. I would crash in these



Yeah, Yeah.



I mean, yeah, it affected myself. It affected my husband,



it affected my kids. And it also infected



my family that was kind of involved in, you know, the unhealthy waves of my marriage because I was still trying to figure it out.



And so



my children didn't understand why when I was working from home and I'm working and all these calls and it was so happy. But then when I was in my marriage, when they were little, all right. And they'd hear me in the different ways that I would speak to my husband versus the the way that I was with my coworkers.



it was just so different. It just two different people. Yeah.



and then, of course, in my marriage, it was the same, you know, I was just this one person at work. But then with my husband, he saw something totally different. And it was because I was wearing a mask. I was so unhealthy. Right. That my roots were just so jacked up that I couldn't keep that going because it wasn't genuine.



here's what's so interesting about what you just said, Meghan, is the crash affected you, your husband, your children,






hundred percent.



Yeah, yeah,






But the people that are affected the most by the crash



are the ones that we love the most, the ones that are






yeah, totally. And if you think about it, it's like at the end of the day, who cares? Like, yeah, of course I care about those people, right? Because I care about everybody that God puts in my contact. But at the end of the day, the people that God had entrusted to me, to ministry, to, to do ministry with, to minister, to, to grow up like my children, they weren't seeing that genuine



person because I had so much junk.



So tell us about your journey then. How did you get and you're still on it. We're I'm still on it.



yeah, of course.



you're you're a lot further along



started that?



What launched it what what



lies did you see through what what






Yes. And so this therein lies where God showed me my calling eventually too. But I had had Savannah, my youngest, who is now 16, but she was three months old and I had just reached such a low point in my life. We were my husband and I were going to marriage counseling. You know, we were doing all of the things and I just was in such a really bad place mentally.



And a family member of my husband said, Hey, they're starting a new Bible study at this church. You should go.



And so I took my three month old and we went to this Bible study. Yeah,



jump in here really quick? Because I just want to help the audience understand. I'm assuming at this point you're still the Meghan that we're seeing right now.



If they're watching this






the smiley, vibrant may be wearing pink. So people that are seeing you are seeing that.



but behind closed doors, if you will,






yeah, yeah.



So I join this Bible study, and honestly, it was just a couple of weeks into the Bible study, I was Beth Moore, who she taught me how to read the Bible and I will forever be indebted to that woman.



But she, she it was something in one of her in that first Bible study. And I remember I'll never forget it, but I was praying and I said, God, would you please just change my husband?



Because we all have prayed those prayers, right? That we just if you would just change that person, everything would be wonderful.



And God spoke so clearly to my heart and to stop praying for your husband, it's time to start praying for you.






And in that moment, I had realized that I had never prayed for myself. I had never asked God to really



purify my heart. I had never asked him those core things about who I was because I didn't know him. And that was what started my journey. I had gotten to a very low place and it was finally in this moment of me, just in my prideful way, saying, God, would you just change the man that I married to you?



And it was this lightning bolt moment where God said, No, it's you that I want to work on. And that just brought so much clarity. It also brought the hardest journey that I've ever been on as a start, because oftentimes you know, the revelation is just the beginning part of it. And so it was then that God started taking me around the mountain of what my insecurities were and where I thought my identity was and the lies of that, to then learn what the truth of that is.



Well, how would you define, like, let's see, we have a listener who.



is gone. Okay, I hear a lot a lot of people talk about identity or purpose. What is that?



What does that actually mean? So you're in this journey and God is helping. You see that you had your beliefs, some lies about your identity, but what






your beliefs, some lies about your identity, but what






yeah. So for me,



I struggled a lot with connecting my physicality to my work. And so for years and years and years when and this is I think that so many people can't put context to this, that this is how I lived, that I left this out, is that when I would have conversations with people, the first thing that was on my mind was do they think that I'm sad?



Are they bothered by my skin complexion? Do they are they listening to what I'm saying or are they stopped at my physicality like that? That was at the forefront of every single conversation that I would have with anybody. And I couldn't ever get past things like, are they focused on my pant size? Are they focused on how much I weigh?



And so for me, I tied my value, my identity with what size my clothes were. And that's a lie from the enemy, because your value in your identity has absolutely nothing to do with your physicality.



So true.



I assume you didn't wake up one morning and all of a sudden have that all together? Like, I have that all figured out.



There was probably a little bit of a journey, right? Because



are you in your late twenties, thirties at this time?



Thank you for that. Yes. at that time I was actually about 30 years old. Yeah. And



30, you've got, you've had 30 years of believing



yeah. Yeah. No,



no. Yes.






it really was. Here's here's where everything kind of just it was like the chains just fell off when I studied the Bible. Enough to know what God's Word says about me, that I am a masterpiece. That I was created in his image. Right. And so if I truly believe that I'm created in God's image to do good work, then how could I put down how could I devalue something that God created?



And so for me it was



I have so many beautiful, good things that God has entrusted to me that God has given to me. And the only way I started to understand that was because I studied it and I didn't just read it on some post and scroll by. I got in the word and I studied what my identity truly it's.



And so, you know, I'm a big believer in whatever you put out, right? God says the overflow of your heart is what speaks volumes. And for me, I realized that I was consuming all of these things that were such lies about who I was and who I wasn't, that if I could just be successful in my job, then that's my identity.



If I could just wear a size two, then that's my identity. If I could just, you know, be whatever. And the truth of that is that none of that matters. If you don't truly understand that you are put here for a purpose, on purpose, through his purpose,






And you know what's so interesting, when you were just talking about you were consuming all of these things, these lies,









It's so true.












most of those were coming from your self, right?



it's so true.



It's so true. And because I didn't know God, the word right we created to worship. So if I'm not understanding God's word, I'm going to look and seek for something to fill that void. And so



because I didn't know who I was then, I believed who I wasn't.






It's worth spending quite a bit of time on this identity thing because I think it's so important.









It's so true.






it's so true. Because if you,



you know, unpack this, like for me as my ministry is a women now and equipping women to see Jesus.



And as I have spent, you know, so many years talking with women and hearing some of these, you know, issues that they believe are deeply rooted issues and in other things, you know, there's one thing that I hear over and over and over again with women and their inability to have continual relationships with other women. And they think it's that they're being judged.



And the root of that is insecurity, because so often times we we really aren't being judged except by ourselves. We're judging ourselves so harshly that there's no way that we could ever hear anybody else's judgment because we're so busy telling us, telling ourselves what's wrong with us. Right. And so time after time, you know, the root of so many things, the root of unhealthy relationships is a lot of times insecurity because we want to put an expectation on somebody else to fill us up because we're insecure.



That was my story In my marriage. I thought my husband had a duty to make me feel amazing all the time and and the other way as well. My husband had an expectation that I was to fill his bucket up and be that sole source and the root of that in both of us was insecurity in that we didn't understand who we are.



So we wanted other people to tell us how amazing we were because we didn't really believe how wonderful we were in Christ. Right. And so it is it is deeply rooted in all of us to want to be valued. And so when we don't put the value in, in Christ's word in our hearts, then we will find empty value in other things.



you know, you're your ministry. What God God has called you to is primarily to women, you said, but what you're what you're describing, I think every man can connect with to.



It's so funny because. Yeah, and



sorry to cut you off, but I feel like it's so funny because I always think my ministry is for women. I spoke this past Sunday on our main stage at church and to men and women, and I shared a little bit of my testimony. And so we've been at our church for three years, and I spoke a couple of times on Sundays, and this time I felt God calling me to share some of my testimony.



I had more men come up to me than women saying, I'm that person. And so here's the thing again. It doesn't matter if you're male or female. You were created in Christ identity through their Christ. So if you have accepted that salvation, then you become a new person, whether male or female, whatever God has created you to be.



We are still defined by the cross. We are created in God's image for His good work, saved in freedom through the cross. And I do believe that men struggle with this just the same. I think a lot of the masking of this is things like pride and fear, because obviously we're wired differently. But as I've, you know, mentored and spoke to a lot of women who are in marriages and they both, you know, come together with these similar struggles.



But a man's perspective is that, you know, there's just such an expectation for them to be something. And when they feel like they haven't gotten it, what happens is that they're swallowed in shame and guilt. And it's fear and insecurity that drives that.



well, and shame. Boy, you bring that up. It's



yeah, yeah, push.









Hundred percent.



Yeah. It's horrible.






at me with this big smile.



And I could see the gleam in his eyes and he's saying, I'm so proud of you, son.



That's the God we serve. That's our identity,






That's transforming.



It's transforming. And I think that therein lies the motivation to be like Christ is that it's no longer from the fear of, my gosh, if I screw up, it's, my gosh, you've given your life for me. What? What can I do with my life in return? Jesus. Right. Because I always like to say it's it's this shift of your perspective.



It's no longer about your flash perspective. And Christian is, you know, your your your self perspective, your immediate world perspective. It's know that you have you've been created for purpose and you woke up today. So you still have purpose by God through God for God and his glory and his eternal kingdom. And so if you're to shift your perspective to an eternal perspective, how would you go about your day differently?



Like, that's what I think about in the mornings when I wake up, God, thank you for giving me this day. Thank you for waking me up. How can I make a difference eternally today?



yeah, I was just listening to Jordan Peterson this morning. I don't know if you know who he is, but






I love that.






So true.






tragedy is life.



Just just start overwhelming us, don't they?



but you're speaking of something that's bigger than all of that.



it's so true in



Two things. Number one, two weeks ago, I had somebody say, Your life is an example of Christ's power through the cross and it's not because of me.



It's because I have gone through a lot of trauma in my life. But that that hasn't robbed my joy because I know that the joy of the Lord is is my strength, and that he has called me to something great. And so I believe that every single person that's created on this earth through Jesus, has been called to something great because eternity is great.



And so the second part is that



I hate I don't understand how could how anyone could go through a life without faith, because life's going to happen regardless. It's not that you get a free pass through pain if you're a Christian, I dare I say, you're probably going to experience even more because you know that you have that pool, that that you know, that gravity pool towards eternity.



And yet you're witnessing and in being a part of things on earth that are painful, but your hope is in the Lord, right? That you're your anchor is God's help. And that's I just feel like I, I want to live my life in like Hebrews 11 and be a by faith kind of woman.



You know what I hear? If I sum this up before I transition to your book, which I'm really excited about,



but if I hear what you're saying that your struggle early on was you had this, this vibrant, I mean, it's kind of how God wired you to be no matter what.



What you were going to be in life, but this vibrant, outgoing personality. But there was this mask you were wearing and you had






that's so true. Yeah, I, I it's so funny because I do wear a lot of sequins and sparkle.



Not today, but I usually wear a lot of sequins and sparkle. And what I always say is that I just want to sparkle for Jesus. I want to combine the gifts and the talents that God has given me with the uniqueness that God has given me, and bring those together for the glory of God. You know, when I was young, I loved to teach and I love to teach my sister and like she was a student in my classroom and I would give her fake handouts and we would just play the whole thing right.



And as I got older and kind of started in my career path, I realized that I wasn't really a fan of other people's children. So I knew I wasn't going to be a teacher and I didn't understand how that would connect. And I also love to sing. I love to pretend like I had my own band. My neighbors were my backup singers.



But, you know, American Idol didn't work out for me. And so I just never understood how you gave me these desires. I love to do these things. I don't understand until I was rooted in my identity. And now I get to teach the Bible to women and I get to lead worship in. So those things that were rooted in me when I was formed before I was born were things that God gave me.



And He gave me the desires for. But I believe that He waited until I understood that those were things that he was going to use for his glory and his kingdom. But not until I understood who I was and him.



Yeah. Worked through some of that stuff. Wow. Well, speaking of teaching, you talk about that. You are. You are a teacher, a gifted teacher. And you just came out with a new book. Love the title. Audience. Listen



Yes, it's a Bible study. It's a six week Bible study, kind of like a devotion. My hope in that I'm a Bible teacher is that people would do it together.



The premise of this was actually just the journey that I had to take, right? Because when you're an insecure person, you're offended by everything and you think that everything is meant to harm you and hurt you. And so, you know, through my childhood, but then also through my early adulthood, because I was just so insecure, I just felt like there were so many things that people would say or the way that they would look at me would were meant to harm me.



And so I would get offended. And I missed that as I'm just that tell it like it is kind of person. But in reality, that wasn't it at all. I was just offended and I took everything like it was an attack on me. And what God had to show me was as I broke through my insecurities and I learned what my true identity was, I started to experience freedom because I learned how to look at someone from a different perspective.



And so when I would have conversations, you know, there was a shift from, okay, maybe they're not all just out to kill me, maybe they're experiencing something themselves, right? And so this book is really that journey of understanding that you have to learn how to set healthy expectations with people and with yourself, and you have to learn how to be okay with who you are so that you're okay with other people.



Because more and more everybody's different and people say dumb things and you have to be in a place where you're rooted firmly enough to know that that dumb thing does not define you. And I think that the key to this is that other people's words don't define you. And so if you truly learn to shift your perspective, then you experience freedom, and then you can have healthy boundaries and relationships.



And, you know, when people lose their mind on you, you don't have to react. You can just stop and say, okay, you know what? God, they're crazy. But for me and how I'm going to respond, I want to do what brings you glory and honor. And so this berk is just a study in how God teaches. There's so much in the Bible because it just comes down to your identity and relationships.



It's so interesting that I said we were going to shift the conversation to your book, but we didn't shifted at



yeah, yeah,



it is. It is.



Yeah, yeah,



yeah. Because what happens again, my story is because I got offended at people because I was just so bothered by people. I hate using the word offended because then they're like, I don't want to read that book. It's about being offended and I'm not offended. And the truth is, everybody gets offended.



But where God shifted my perspective in it was I was bothered. I was bothered by a lot of what people said. And the reason I was bothered and wanted to react with verbal vomit was because I insecure. And so I wanted to deflect and I wanted to be defensive and I wanted to turn things back on them. And so as I started to just be firm in who I was, I really had this moment where it just clicked and I and I just thought, this is nothing about anybody else.



This is about me and understanding that I am who God says that I am. And if I approach my relationships and I approach my circumstances in that way, then nothing that anyone says can change what I truly know about myself.



is probably more needed in our social media time than any other time in human history.






humans have always dealt with this, but



yeah, yeah,



yeah, yeah, yeah. No boundaries aren't for other people. They're for you. And so if you look, yeah, boundaries aren't for other people, they're for you.



So, you know, I think the word boundary is super trendy right now, and I hate that. And the reason I hate it is because what is happening right now is that people are using that word boundaries to manipulate other people in relationships. And so when you realize that you set a boundary for the health of who you are, it doesn't matter what anybody else does in response to that boundary because you're not setting it for them.



You're setting it to protect your heart. You know, in the very beginning of the Bible, God talks about boundaries from a geographical perspective. He gave the tribes these different areas to protect, right? And God gives us boundaries that he even respects. And so it's this whole concept of us having free will. God wants us to make the right decisions, to be in alignment with as well, to be obedient to his word.



But he's a perfect gentleman and he's given us the ability to set the boundary of our choices. And so at the end of the day, our choices really are how we handle other people through boundaries. For example, if I now, in the beginning of my marriage, when I was having all of this chaos happen with my husband and we were going to counseling, what I was doing was I was going to all of my family members and friends and wanting to just talk about, you know, all of the issues.



And then they would give me advice and then they'd ask me for advice on their situations. And what would happen was like they'd be upset that I wasn't listening to their advice, and then I would get upset because they'd ask me advice about their marriage situation. And then I realized, I'm giving all of this advice to you. Why are you taking it?



And I was getting flustered and mad, right? Well, I can give you advice, but it's to you whether you're going to take it or not. Right. And so that's the boundary that I have to set with myself, is that if you and I have a conversation and you're asking for advice and, I give you my advice and you don't take it well, good on you, because it doesn't matter.



Because I can't control you, just like you can't control me. Right? So understanding that boundaries are so that you can be healthy in your own identity and in your own heart, then you're able to be freed from the opinions or judgments of anybody else. Because at the end of the day, you can't control anybody else and no one else can control you.



know, you probably don't realize this, Megan, but you just beautifully wove what you're doing or talking about or this Bible study into the whole



foundation of this podcast.



We talk about the power and complexity of human choices that we choices and our choices make us. And so you're talking about the importance of boundaries with that so that you tied it beautifully together.



I love that.



You also said something so deep that God,



gave us boundaries that even He respects.









yeah. Because



he wants you to do something, but he's not forcing you to do something. That's a boundary he risks. He respects the your boundary of free choice. And I feel like if God respects my boundaries, then who am I not to respect other people's boundaries?



And to set boundaries



Yeah, that's right.



So the book is on sale on Amazon and Barnes and Noble and anywhere books are sold and you can go to my website.



Meghan states dot com. There's links there. You can find me on Instagram and Facebook at the same. And then I'm also on you version the Bible at the Holy Bible app on Android and iPhone where you can go on and just search. Meghan Right. And my devotional pull up and you can subscribe there and follow me there.



So Megan right speaks.









two truths and a lie. I've got to figure out which one of the lie is the lie



Okay, Number one, I've been featured in a horse showmanship, showmanship magazine. Number two, I had a small cameo on Broadway. And number three, I have two indoor pigs.



for me.



Okay. I would say number one is because I know you love horses, I follow you on social media. I see some of your stuff about horses, everything. So that's true, isn't it?



It is. Yes,



that I had a cameo on Broadway. That is a lie. Got you. I have two indoor pigs, boogie and pure. And they're not only indoor, but they actually sleep in my bedroom.



Okay, there are many pigs, but there's really no such thing as many pigs. I mean, they're. They're pretty chunky. They're short, but they're, you know, they're stocky for sure. But



they like. All I know is pigs that are outside like in Barnyard. They make a lot of noise in everything.



Are your



so they make a lot of noise. Yeah, they have a lot of pigs are actually the fourth most intelligent creature that God created. They're very smart.



They are cleaner than dogs.



So anybody thinking, my gosh, a pig is so dirty, How could you have that in my house? In your house? Well, your dog's dirtier than my pig. So there's that. I have dogs, too, so I'm not hating on dogs, but they are hysterically funny and they have lots of fun quirks and they bring me a lot of joy.



And I. I know like, I never thought that I would have indoor pigs and my youngest five years ago was like, Mom, I want a pig. And I'm never going to say no to an animal. And so we got a pig, and then we went back and got another one. And then my kids grew out of him and I was like, I'm I'm their person.



And turns out they are my favorite. I love them. They're hysterical.



that's amazing. Congratulations. You are our



Thank you. I want that victory.



It was my honor. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. And I have always loved your message and I loved what God has been speaking through you. And so it's been an honor. And I've had so much fun.



thank you, Megan.



Wow, what an incredible episode with our special guest, Megan, Right? There were so many amazing takeaways and relatable topics we talked about. If you want to connect with Megan, purchase her book or explore her devotions, visit Megan Right. Speaks. Dot com. We'll catch you next time.



Thanks for listening.

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About the Podcast

No Grey Areas
Hosted by Patrick McCalla
Life is a series of choices, and every choice you make ultimately makes you. The “No Grey Areas Podcast” is a motivational podcast platform with captivating guests centered around how our choices humanize, empower, and define who we become. The podcast was influenced by the story of Joseph Gagliano, the man who coordinated the largest college basketball sports scandal in 1994. No Grey Areas shares the underlying message that our choices, big or small, pave our future destiny.

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Joseph Gagliano